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Dr. Ming Xia 夏明 教授
Sojourner, Scholar, Teacher

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Social Animal~Political Animal~Thinking Animal
Ming Xia is a Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center and the College of Staten Island, CUNY. He holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from Fudan University (Shanghai, China), and a Ph.D. degree from Temple University.
Dr. Xia taught at Fudan University from 1988-1991; he left China, a nation fraught by political turmoil and the deadly consequences of the 1989 student crackdown in Tiananmen Square, to pursue his doctorate degree in the States. He began his tenure at CUNY in 1997, the same year his daughter was born.
He has served as a research fellow at the following institutions: the Sigur Center for Asian Studies at the George Washington University in 2003, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in 2004, and the East Asian Institute and Asian Research Institute at the National University of Singapore in 2004, 2011 and the summer of 2012, respectively.
The recipient of various honors, from Temple University’s Bernard Watson Best Dissertation Award in 1997 to the College of Staten Island’s Dolphin Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement in 2003, Dr. Xia has also been listed in “Montclair Who’s Who in Collegiate Faculty,” “The Marquis Who’s Who in America,” and “The Marquis Who’s Who in the World” in 2009-2010.
Consecutively from 2009 to 2015, and again in 2017, he has been chosen as one of the Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals. ( “Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2009” , “Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2011” and “Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2012” by The Boxun News Agency based in U.S. and “Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2010”, “Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2013”, "Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2015” and "Top 100 Chinese Public Intellectuals of 2017) by The Zhengyou Jingzuo Research Group based in China.
He was one of the producers (with Jon Alpert, Matthew O’Neil and Peter Kwong) of a HBO documentary movie and an Oscar-nominee,“China’s Unnatural Disaster, The Tears of Sichuan Province” (2009) on the Wenchuan (Sichuan) earthquake in 2008. He was the historical adviser and translator for documentary movie, “Dreaming against the World: Mu Xin” (2015), from Ropa Vieja Films and Half Mile Hill Productions (produced/directed by Francisco Bello and Tim Sternberg).
Dr. Xia’s major publications include his books, The Dual Developmental State: Development Strategy and Institutional Arrangements for China’s Transition (Ashgate 2000; Routledge 2018 revivals edition), The People’s Congresses and Governance in China: Toward a Network Moe of Governance (Routledge, 2008; 2011 paperback), and Political Venus: From Nothing Under My Name to Chinese Democracy (Morning Bell Publisher in Hong Kong, 2012); The Empire of the Red Sun: Last Orgy for the CPC (in Chinese, 紅太陽帝國:中共最後的分贓, Mirror Books, 2015); High Peaks, Flowing Rivers: On Tibet (Snowland, 2019 in Taiwan); Brainwashing in Mao's China and Beyond (both simplified and traditional Chinese, 2023, 2024).
Now, he is completing two book manuscripts, respectively, entitled "Phantasmogaria of Chinese Politics in the 21st Century" and “China at the Epicenter: Calamity, Protest, and Crisis Management,” as well as working on a project on organized crime and criminal underworld in China.
夏明系纽约城市大学政治学教授 (获终身教授资格), 在研究生院政治系和斯德顿岛学院政治和全球事务系任教。
十六岁毕业于四川师范大学附中,曾就读复旦大学国际政治系国际政治专业, 获学士和硕士学位, 并留该系任教。1991年赴美留学, 1997年获天普大学政治学科目哲学博士学位。 从1997年起在纽约城市大学任助理教授,2001年破格提升为副教授,2006年升任正教授。
他还曾在下面各个机构任职:乔治·华盛顿大学、美国思想库伍德罗·威尔逊中心、新家坡国立大学东亚研究所、亚洲研究所。曾担任的职务还包括:复旦大学访问教授 (2007),湖南吉首大学院外教授, 复旦大学选举与人大研究中心特约研究员,上海社科院当代中国政治研究中心特约研究员,《阳光时务》周刊 (香港发行)美国特约撰稿人,《动向》杂志专栏作家,《纵览中国》(China in Perspective)网络期刊专栏作家,英国广播公司中文部自由撰稿人,北美中文报纸《世界日报》专栏作者,中文学术季刊《当代中国研究》的副主编。
他获得的荣誉和嘉奖包括:复旦大学5%优秀学生奖(1983-84, 1984-85),1997年天普大学社会科学、人文学和教育类最佳博士论文奖,2003年斯德顿岛学院卓越教授研究类海豚奖(Dolphin Award for Outstanding Research)。他已被收入《Montclair 大学教授名人录》、《Marquis美国名人录》(2009年63版和2010年版)和《Marquis世界名人录》(2009-2010)。
主要著有: «二元发展型国家: 中国转型的发展战略和制度安排» ( 2000年; 2018年再版) 和«中国的人民代表大会与治理:走向网络治理模式» (2008; 2011年发行平装本)两英文专著。
中文书籍有:与陈奎德博士合作编写《自由荆冠:刘晓波与诺贝尔和平奖》(香港:晨钟书局,2010年11月);《政治维纳斯:从一无所有到中国民主》 (香港:晨钟书局,2012年; 美国纽约: 2024简体版);《红太阳帝国:中共最后的分赃》(中文,纽约:2015年明镜出版社);《高山流水論西藏》(2019年,台北:雪域出版社);《明察政道: 中美狂人乱政造难纪事》(2021年纽约:博登书屋); 《洗脑: 毛泽东和后毛时代的中国与世界》 (与宋永毅合编,简体,2023, 美国华忆出版社; 繁体,2024, 台湾秀威)。
参与过《社会学概论》 (1992年高教版)、《比较政府体制》 (复旦大学出版社1993年版)、《国际政治学》(王建伟主编,人民大学出版社2010年版)等书的写作, 并在下列刊物上发表论文:《天津社会科学》、《社会科学》(上海),《探索与争鸣》、《犯罪研究》、《21世纪国际评论》、Issues & Studies, Journal of Legislative Studies, Journal of Contemporary China, The China Journal, Global Crime, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Journal of Governance in China 和《纽约时报》网络版。 曾主编(与人合作)《中国法律与政府》两期专辑(“中国政府与法轮功冲突” 和“法轮功:气功、道德、宗教” (M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1999)。
他是HBO制作的奥斯卡奖提名纪录片《劫后天府泪纵横》(2009) 的制片人之一 (与人合作)。他也是2015年推出的纪录片《木心》的历史顾问和翻译。
从2009年至2013年,他连续被评为“中国百大公共知识分子”或“百位华人公共知识分子”【“2009年中国百大公共知识分子”(博讯版) (链接 );“2010年度百位华人公共知识分子” (政右经左版);2011年再度评为“2011年中国百大公共知识分子”; “2012年中国百大公共知识分子” (博讯版)。2013年再度评为“2013年度百名华人公共知识分子”(政右经左版 )。】2015年,在八年未能踏上中国土地后,再次被评为“2015年度百名华人公共知识分子” (政右经左版)。2017是最新一次被收入“2017年度百位华人公共知识分子”。
现正从事《中国在地震中心:灾难、抗议和危机管理》(China at the Epicenter:Calamity,Protest,and Crisis Management)和《国家、市场和黑社会》(英文,State, Market, and the Underworld)等书的写作。