The pen is mightier than the sword
Publications and Creative Works [中英文著述/作品]
The Dual Developmental State: Development Strategy and Institutional Arrangements for China's Transition
Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, USA: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2000, pp. 272;
Routledge, 2018 revival edition.
Reviewed by China Information, China Journal, and China Review International.
People's Congresses and Governance in China: Toward a Network Mode of Governance (Library of Legislative Studies) 2008 1st Edition;2011 paperback.
This book provides a balanced assessment of China’s communist rule, its viability as well as its prospect of democracy.
The People's Congresses and Governance in China presents a complex but convincing analysis of the transformation of governance in China. As the first systemic and theoretical study of China’s provincial legislatures, it draws our attention to one of the most promising growth points in China’s changing constitutional order. Through in depth and first hand research, the author provides a comprehensive explanation about why the provincial legislatures have acquired institutional maturation and expanded power in the context of Chinese transitional political economy. The book portrays an innovative pattern of legislative development, sums up pragmatic local strategies for market creation, and identifies multiple dynamics for promoting accountability and democracy. Based upon the case study of provincial legislatures, Ming Xia reveals the formation of a new mode of governance in China’s national politics: the network structure featuring institutional arrangements and the mohe (co-operation through competition) pattern of interaction abided by the major power players.
This volume will be of interest to parliamentary scholars and parliamentarians who are concerned with the role of parliaments in transitional politics and economies of both post-communist and developing countries. It will also appeal to students and researchers of Chinese politics, governance and Asian studies.
The Age of Plunder: The 2008 Economic Crisis as Turning a Point in Chinese History and World Civilization, by Ping Chen, edited by Ming Xia
The book is about the 2008 Economics Crisis, its pathogeny, its long-term reverberations and its implications for China’s future. The author indicates this great crisis hasn’t fully subsided and it’s an irredeemable crisis of the “one-legged capitalist” social apparatus. The author predicted and called for a new civilization (following the industrialized civilization) to overcome the prolonged, painful era of decline. A new emancipation movement is needed to break through the vested interests and mainstream values, to foster new cultures, new ways of living and to build a more fair and equitable democratic society with sustainable economic growth. In China’s perspective, the author proposed that China’s party-controlled development model in the past 20 years is in a historical turning point. China has to rebuild a new republic and democratic state with new system, culture and value to achieve sustainable development.
Product Details
ISBN-13: 9789881656353
Publisher: iSunAffairs Limited
Publication date: 10/25/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: NOOK Book
File size: 499 KB
Books in Chinese [中文著作]
《洗脑:毛泽东和后毛时代的中国与世界》(Brainwashing in Mao's China and Beyond), 与宋永毅合编, 美国华忆出版社(Remembering Publishing, LLC, USA), 2023年七月,513页。
洗脑:毛泽东和后毛时代的中国与世界 – 美国华忆出版有限公司 (huayichuban.com)
洗脑: 毛泽东和后毛时代的中国与世界 - Google Books
Shop the Independent Bookstore | Lulu
(Explaining Power with Political Science: Misgovernment of Demagogues from China to U.S.: 2010-2020), New York: Bouden House, 2021),pp. 348.
Purchasing at Amazon: 明察政道 (Explaining Power with Political Science): 夏明: 9781034347576: Amazon.com: Books
《高山流水論西藏》(High Peaks, Flowing Rivers: On Tibet)
台灣台北:雪域出版社2019年一月(Taipei, Taiwan: Snowland Publisher)。
購買:臺灣博客來(books.com.tw); 誠品網路書店(www.eslite.com);新絲路網路書店;三民網絡書店;Youbeli; 金石堂網絡書店
《紅太陽帝國》: 中共最後的分贓 (Empire of the Red Sun)
明鏡出版社 2015年, April 27, 2015;越南文 2020年 (Vietnamese Language Translation 2020)
夏明,紐約城市大學研究生中心政治學系博士導師,斯德頓島學院政治和全球事務教授。獲得復旦大學國際政治系學士和碩士學位,美國天普大學(Temple University)政治科學博士學位。曾任教於復旦大學國際政治系,並曾任職於喬治•華盛頓大學、威爾遜中心、新加坡國立大學東亞所和亞洲研究所。
著有《二元發展型國家》(英文,2000)、《人民代表大會與中國治理》(英文,2008)、《政治維納斯》(2012年)等專著,編有《法輪功》和《中國政府與法輪功的衝突》 (英文,1999,合編)、《自由荊冠》(2010,合編)等書。他是2010年奧斯卡獎提名片《劫後天府淚縱橫》的製片人之一,也是紀錄片《木心》的歷史顧問和翻譯。從2009年到2013年,連續五年被評為“華人百大公共知識分子”(政右經左和博訊版)。
《掠奪和透支的世界》: 2008 年經濟危機、文明轉型 及中國的歷史拐點
(Chinese) Board book – Abridged, 2015, by 陳平 (Author),特约编辑:夏明
Board book: 376 pages
Publisher: 陽光時務有限公司; 4th edition (2015)
Language: Chinese; ISBN-10: 9881656370; ISBN-13: 978-9881656377
如書名所示,這本書有關對今日世界的整體看法。全書根據作者陳平先生自2008年至2011年間在公開場合所發表的言論編輯而成。這段時間,正是席卷全球的一場金融危機的潮頭,也是世界範圍更大規模的一場經濟-社會危機前夜。斯時,陳平先生敏銳觀察到並指出了,本次危機非同以往資本主義周期性經濟危機,而是一場具有終結意義的的人類文明危機,一場基於絕對人本主義文化價值觀和認識論的、近現代科技工商文明生存發展社會模式走向終結的危機。面對這樣的終結危機,作者提出:人類社會亟需新的思想解放運動與創新社會實踐,打破現有的既得利益格局和主流價值觀,培育出新文化、新生活方式,建設起可持續的經濟增長模式與更理想、更公平公正的民主社會。作者預言、呼喚並積極投身到這樣一個新的文明形態建設之中,並進一步提出:人類唯此方能走出既有的漫長而痛苦的衰敗時代危機。 聚焦中國,作者也指出,過去二十多年"黨主"模式下的發展已經走到了一個歷史拐點,惟有再造共和、實現民主,在制度再創、文化再創與價值觀的再創中,中國方有機會實現全方位的可持續發展。 作者簡介 陳平,學者與商人,1955年出生於中國上海,1997年成為香港居民。1990年前是中國大陸政府智庫的研究人員,1990年後辭去公職成為自謀生計的商人。作為長達10年的中國政府智庫的學者,曾在國家發展戰略研究領域;作為商人,擅長於在時空信息非對稱狀態中下,捕捉前瞻性發展機遇和商業要素,並在資本與實業兩個層面成功完成創造性組合
[Political Venus: From Nothing under My Name to Chinese Democracy, Hong Kong: Morning Bell Press, 2012].
簡介 [Description];陳奎德序 [Preface by Dr. Chen Kuide];王军涛序;该书出版、购买信息 [Book Info and Purchase];世界书局销售网;博讯网报道;大纪元报道;法广报道;星岛日报报道;陈破空书评 ;张博树书评;施卫江评论;程映虹评论;余杰书评;章节选载:中国人精神大觉醒; 只有反对党能救共产党; 结束语:预测中国民主化; 中文介绍
[The Crown of Thorn: Liu Xiaobo and the Nobel Peace Prize]
(Hong Kong: Morning Bell Publishing House, 2010; in Chinese, co-edited with Chen Kuide), pp. 363.
"Xi Jinping's Pursuit of Absolute Security," in Symposium: Xi Jinping's 'New Global Security Initiative' One Year On, Asian Perspective, 47, No. 2 (2023 Spring), pp. 331-339.
"Asian Americans: Confronting Racial Hierarchy and Creating an Empathic Society", in "Uncommon Community: Writings on Asian America," CUNY Forum Vol. 10 (1), May 2023, CUNY Asian and Asian-American Research Institute. Download PDF.
"Quadruple Fears: In the Perfect Global Storm," CUNY Forum 8, May 2020, CUNY Asian and Asian-American Research Institute.
“China’s Financial Crisis in the Making: Soft Budget Constraint, Overdraft, and the Missing Credible Commitment,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 23, No. 1, March 2018, pp. 9-32. Download.
“Triangulating Human Political Conditions and Reorienting Political Development in China,” Journal of Chinese Governance, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2016, pp. 405-426.
“Innovations in China’s Local Governance: an Assessment,” EAI Background Briefing No. 644, the East Asian Institute, the National University of Singapore, July 2011, pp. 15.
“New Organizational Formations of Contemporary Organized Crime in China: Perspectives from the State, the Market, and Networks,” Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 17, no. 54, 2008, pp. 1-23 (the lead article). The Chinese translation is in The Study of Crime (Fanzui Yanjiu) in Shanghai, China.
“Assessing and Explaining the Resurgence of China’s Criminal Underworld,” Global Crime, vol. 7, no. 2, May 2006, pp. 151-175 (the lead article).
“Mounting Challenges to Governance in China: Surveying Collective Protestors, Religious Sects, and Criminal Organizations,” co-authored with Jae-Ho Chung, Harry Hongyi Lai, The China Journal, No. 56, July 2006, pp. 1-31 (the lead article). Included to Politics of Modern China, edited by Yongnian Zheng, Yiyi Lu, Lynn T. White III (London: Routledge, 2009).
“The Resurgence of Organized Crime in China: An Assessment,” EAI Working Papers, No. 122, Nov. 21, 2005, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, pp. 16.
“The Criminal-Political Nexus in China: An Assessment,” in “Special Report: Active Society in Formation: Environmentalism, Labor and the Underworld in China,” No. 124, Sept. 2004, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, pp.12-18.
"Political Contestation and the Emergence of Provincial People's Congresses as Power Players in Chinese Politics: A Network Explanation," Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 9, no. 24 (2000), pp. 185-214.
"China's National People's Congress: Institutional Transformation in the Process of Regime Transition (1978-1998)," The Journal of Legislative Studies, vol. 4, no. 4 (Winter 1998); also appeared in Philip Norton, Lord of Louth, and Nizam Ahmed, ed., Parliament in Asia (London: Frank Cass, 1999), pp. 103-130.
"From Camaraderie to the Cash Nexus: economic reforms, social stratification and their political consequences in China," Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 8, no. 21 (1999), pp. 345-358.
"Information Efficiency, Organization Development, and the Institutional Linkages of the Provincial People's Congresses in China,” Journal of Legislative Studies vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 1997), pp. 10-38.
"US-PRC Trade Related Negotiations in the 1990s: Two-Level Game Analysis and Explanations,” Issues & Studies, vol. 32, no. 4 (April 1996), pp. 60-88.
Chapters in Books
“Movement and Migration” in Handbook on Human Rights in China, ed. by Sarah Biddulph and Joshua Rosenzweig, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing,2019, pp. 444-470.
“A China Scholar's Rendezvous with Islam,” in Asian-American Matters: A New York Anthology, edited by Russell Leung, 2017 CUNY Forum, Asian American and Asian Research Institute, the City University of New York, pp. 101-106.
“Blood-red Fire of Freedom in the Land of Snow” in Chinese Voices for Tibet (edited by China Desk, Department of Information and International Relations, Dharamsala, India: DIIR, 2017), pp. 22-43.
“Media Control as Stability Maintenance: The Case of Sichuan Earthquake” in Media at Work in India and China: Discovering and Dissecting (edited by Robin Jeffrey and Ronojoy Sen), New Delhi, India: Sage, 2015, pp. 245-270.
“Communist Oligarchy and Oligarchic Transition in China,” in Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne, ed., China’s Transition from Communism: New Perspectives (New York: Routledge, 2015), pp. 34-55, 2015.
“Innovations in China's Local Governance: An Assessment,” in Gungwu Wang and Yongnian Zheng, ed., China: Development and Governance (Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2012).
“The Chinese Underclass and Organized Crime as a Ladder of Social Ascent,” in Siu-Keung Cheung, Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, Lida V. Nedilsky, ed., Marginalization in China: Recasting Minority Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. 95-121.
"China's National People's Congress: Institutional Transformation in the Process of Regime Transition (1978-1998)," in Philip Norton, Lord of Louth, and Nizam Ahmed, ed., Parliament in Asia (London: Frank Cass, 1999), pp. 103-130.
“‘Government by the People, Chinese Style’—An Inquiry into the System of Review and Assessment in the Chinese Sub-national People’s Congresses,” in New Development in Local Democracy and Decentralization in East Asia, edited by Chung-Si Ahn (Seoul, Korea: The Seoul National University Press, 2005), pp. 297-336.
Other Writings
Interview: Dr. Ming Xia on ‘Grey Rhinos’ and the Chinese Party-State, by Xin Tong, August 29, 2022, The US-China Perception Monitor.
"China’s ‘Common Prosperity’: The Maoism of Xi Jinping: Insights from Ming Xia," with Mercy Kuo, Sept. 23, 2021, The Diplomat.
“Self-Immolations and Chinese Intellectuals”, at http://www_phayul_com, 2013.02.24 (the abridged version) and April 2013 issue of Seminar Magazine (http://www.india-seminar.com/) (the complete version).
The New York Times’ “China Rises” website project (2006-08), thirteen articles include: “Background,” “A Land of Contrasts,” “Winners and Losers,” “China’s Ambitions and Chinese Anxieties,” “Looking Outward and harking Back,” “Determined Motivation and Uncertain Future,” and Political Governance section, including: “Social Engineers for China’s Transformation and the Visible Hand,” “the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the ‘Party-State’,” “Cadres: From Ideologues to Technologues,” “Rights Crusaders and the Legal Profession: the Emerging Civil Society,” “Corruption and Organized crime,” “The Governance Crisis and Democratization in China,” “China Threat or a Peaceful Rise of China? at: http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/collegespecial10/coll-chinarises.html.
Prisoner of the State Roundtable Discussion (Moderator: Andrew Nathan; Panelists: Bao Pu, Gao Wenqian, Hu Ping, He Qinglian and Xia Ming), China Rights Forum , No. 3, 2009.
Introduction or Preface to Other Authors’ Books
"The Poetics and Aesthetics of Rebellion" [反抗的詩情畫意], Preface to Xiang Li, Life Is Not Well and Quiet: A Human Rights Advocate on China,2020 [向莉,《歲月不靜好:人權人士說中國》,新北:渠成文化,2020]
"Predicting from Early Sign, Learning from the Past" , Introduction to Winners from China's Crisis by Qin Weiping [" 见微知著,鉴往知来, 为秦伟平《中国危机大赢家》序], 2020.
“Rediscovering the Lost Dream", Introduction to The Roadmap of China's Crisis by Qin Weiping [ 梦落重寻--为秦伟平《中国危机路线图》序], 2016.
“The Beginning of A Great End” [“伟大终结的开始”], for Frank Tian Xie, The Vault of the Red Dragon (Japanese version, forthcoming).
“A Chinese in Syrian Battlefield” [“叙利亚战场上的中国人”], for Chen Weiming, Letters from Syria [陈维明,《叙利亚来信》], Boxun Books, Hong Kong, 2015.
Introduction [“编者导言”], for Chen Ping, The Robbed and Exploited World [《掠夺和透支的世界》], Sun Books, Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 4-13.
“The Unchanged Evil Nature” [“本性难移、恶习不改”],for Yu Jie, Xi Jinping, China’s God Father [余杰:《中国教父习近平》,], pp. 19-28 in the version by Avanguard Publishing House, Taiwan, 2014; pp. 13-20 in the version by Open Books, Hong Kong, 2014.
“Body in Exile, Soul at Home” [“肉身流亡,灵魂归家”], for Yu Jie, The Resistance of Fireflies: Intellectuals in This Century [余杰:《萤火虫的反抗》] by Greenfield Books, Hong Kong, 2014, pp. 9-14.
Book Reviews
Review Essay: "Sino-US Competition: Is Liberal Democracy an Asset or Liability?" Journal of Chinese Political Science, Dec. 2, 2022; Vol. 28, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 331-343.
Book review: The Politics of Controlling Organized Crime in Greater China by Sonny Shiu-hing Luo, The China Quarterly, Volume 226 / June 2016, pp 571 - 573.
Review Essay: ”See No Evil: A Tailored Reality?” A Review of Selling Sex Overseas by Ko-lin Chin and James Finchenauer, CUNY Forum: Asian American /Asian Studies, Vol. 1:3, Fall & Winter 2015-2016, August 2015, pp. 101-106.
Book Review: Chinese Politics and Government: Power, ideology, and organization by Sujian Guo (New York and London: Routledge, 2013), Nov. 28, 2015 online, and Jan. 2016, Journal of Chinese Political Science.
Review Essay: “Dying in Dignity Is the Last Human Right: On Reading Wenguang Huang’s The Little Red Guard,” China Rights Forum, July, 2012.
Book Review: China’s Elite Politics: Governance and Democratization by Bo Zhiyue (Singapore: World Scientific, 2010), The China Journal, July 2012.
Book Review: Inside China’s Grand Strategy: The Perspective from the People’s Republic by YE Zicheng (Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky, 2011. xii, 301 pp), The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 70:4, November 2011, pp. 1154-1156.
Book Review: “The National People’s Congress of China by JIANG Jinsong (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2003. Pp. iii+560), The Journal of Legislative Studies, vol. 11, no. 4 (Autumn 2005), pp.119-121.
Creative Works
History Advisor and Translator for Documentary Movie, “Dream against the World: Mu Xin,” Ropa Vieja Films and Half Mile Hill Productions, produced and directed by Francisco Bello and Tim Sternberg, 2015.
Co-Producer for HBO Documentary, “China’s Unnatural Disaster, The Tears of Sichuan Provinces” (2009, 40 minutes), Producer (In collaboration with Jon Alpert, Matthew O’Neil, Peter Kwong and Michelle Mi), released to theatres and broadcast on May 7 and 12, 2009, HBO, nominated for 82nd Oscar Award in Documentary (Short) category; the Golden Eagle Award winner of 2011 CINE Award.
Two special issues on the Falun Gong (Co-edited with Shiping Hua):
"The Battle between the Chinese Government and the Falun Gong," The Chinese Law and Government, Sept./Oct. issue, 1999, pp. 104, Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe.
"Falun Gong: Qigong, Code of Ethics and Religion," The Chinese Law and Government, Nov./Dec. issue, 1999, pp. 102, Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Book Chapters in Chinese (Selected)
“The Communist Suppression of Religious Cults and the Establishment of Totalitarianism in China” [中共摧毁会道门和极权主义的建立], in Yongyi Song, ed., Reassessing Mao’s Land Reform [宋永毅主编,《重审毛泽东的土地改革:中共建政初期的政治运动70周年的历史回顾》, Vol. 2], Hong Kong: Greenfield Bookstore [香港:田园书屋,2020], pp. 498-532.
“The Flames of Liberty in Snow Country” as an introduction in Yang Jianli and Han Lianchao, ed.,Saffron Flames: The Voices of Tibetans, March 2012, Initiative for China [“雪域血红自由火”,杨建利、韩连潮主编,《浴火袈裟:藏人自焚让人们看见了什么?》导言,公民力量,2012年三月出].
“The Wave of Liberty Dissolves the Iron Cage” [自由波澜泮铁笼] in Freedom of Information in China Workshop [信息自由观察工作室], ed., Interpreting Liu Xiaobo [解读刘晓波] (Hong Kong: Suyuan Books, 2011), pp. 355-367.
“Globalization and Global Issues” in Wang Jianwei, ed., Theory of International Relations (Beijing: Renmin University Press, 2010[“第十三章:全球化和跨国问题研究”,王建伟主编,《国际关系学》北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2010年10月。]
“The Geneva Consensus” [日內瓦共識] in Seeking Common Ground: International Tibetan-Chinese Conference, Aug. 6-8, 2009 at Geneva, Switzerland [尋找共同點] (Dharamsala, India: Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration, 2009), pp. 163-169.
“The Infiltration of Organized Criminal Forces into the People’s Congresses in China ” [人大民主建设如何防控黑恶势力的侵蚀], in Chen Mingming and He Junzhi, ed., Institutions and Structures for Chinese Democracy [中国民主的制度结构](Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2008). Also appeared in Fudan Research Center for Election and People’s Congress (www.fepc.org.cn), Jan. 11, 2009.
“Hu Yaobang Confronting State Crimes” [胡耀邦直面国家罪错], in Su Shaozhi, Chen Yizi, and Gao Wenqian, eds., Hu Yaobang in the Heart of People [人民心中的胡耀邦] (Hong Kong and New York: Mirror Books, 2006), pp. 289-292.
“Taiwan's Parliamentary System in the Process of Transition” [转型过程中的台湾议会系统], in Lin Gang and Chen Weixing, eds., Prospects for Cross-Taiwan Strait Development [《台海两岸的发展前景》] (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Social Sciences Publishing House, 2000), pp. 28-51.
“British Governmental System” and “French Governmental System” (英国政府体制、法国政府体制, 10 Chapters) in Cao Peilin, ed., Comparative Governments: Western Europe [曹沛霖、徐宗士主编,《比较政府体制》](Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1993), pp. 29-63; pp. 137-158; pp. 159-280.
“Social Modernization” [社会现代化], Chapter 16 in LIU Haoxin, ed., An Introduction to Sociology [刘豪兴主编,《社会学概论》] (Beijing: The Higher Education Publishing House, 1992), pp. 481-519.
Chinese Articles (Selected)
“Totalitarianism: The International Background of Its Formation in China" [极权主义在中国的重建笔谈:中国极权主义重建的国际背景] , The Chinese Journal of Democracy [中国民主季刊,创刊号,2023年], No. 1, 2023.
"The Ratcheting Effect in U.S. Hardening Policy toward China" [美国对华强硬政策的棘轮效应], in U.S.-China Perception Monitor [中美印象], August 13, 2020.
"Cosmopolitical Finance: Demystifying Wealth and Power [ "宇观金融学:解密财富和权力-- 评读严家祺的《全球财富论:全球无国界货币和全球总帐本理论》], China: History and Future [中国: 历史与未来], August 10, 2020.
“Trump: Leadership and China Policy, Reading Bolton's The Room Where It Happened” [川普:领导风格和对华政策评点——读博尔顿的《枢庭要务:白宫回忆录》1 和2 部分:Part I July 9, 2020 and Part 2, July 15, 2020, China In Perspective [《纵览中国》]。
From "Developmental State" to "Rentier State" [从“发展型国家”到“收租型国家”], China in Perspective [纵览中国], Fe.23, 2018.
“Zoom in on the Resistance of the Weak” [聚焦微弱的反抗:读赵思乐的《她们的征途》], China in Perspective [纵览中国], January. 7, 2018, at: http://chinainperspective.com/ArtShow.aspx?AID=188647
“Will the Dalai Lama Ring the Bell Twice?” [达赖喇嘛会两次敲门吗?与加州大学圣迭戈分校部份留学生交流], China in Perspective [纵览中国], Saturday, February 11, 2017, at
“A Great Leader Standing on the Himalaya” [喜馬拉雅山上的偉人], China in Perspective, Oct. 29, 2015, at: http://www.chinainperspective.com/ArtShow.aspx?AID=61429; also published at Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. Dalai Lama, Nov. 2, 2015, at: https://www.tibet.org.tw/com_detail.php?com_id=1337.
“New Organizational Formations of Contemporary Organized Crime in China: Perspectives from the State, the Market, and Networks,” Chinese Criminology Review,No. 4, 2013, pp. 97-108 [“中国有组织犯罪的组织形态:以国家、市场与网络为视角”,《犯罪研究》, 2013年第四期,第97至108页]
“Assessing and Explaining the Resurgence of China’s Criminal Underworld” [夏明:评估并解释中国犯罪性黑社会的复苏], “孙冶方公共政策研究网”(www.sunyefang.org),2009.11.07.
"Organized Crime and the Olympic Games: Forms of Activity and Policies for Prevention, "[奥运期间有组织犯罪的活动方式和防控措施], Journal of Jiangsu Police Officer College [江苏警官学院学报], Vol.23, No.4, July, 2008, pp. 139-145.
“Globalization and Transnational Issues,” [全球化与全球事务]in Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Summer 2008); included to Wang Jianwei, ed., New Frontiers in Western International Studies [Xifang Guoji Guanxi Lilun Qianyan], Beijing: Beijing University Press, forthcoming.
“Four Levels of Analysis in Comparative Political Systems” in Research and Discussion, Shanghai, No. 3, 1993, Co-author (王伯军、夏明,“比较政治制度的四个层面”,上海《探索与争鸣》 1993年第三期 )
“On Leisure”[论闲暇],Research and Discussion [《探索与争鸣》] (Shanghai, No. 3, 1991), pp. 56-59. PDF下載
“Use Rights to Restrict Power” [用权利制约权力], Social Science [《社会科学》] (Shanghai, No. 6, 1988). Also Adopted by Digest of Legal System [《法制文摘》] (Taiyuan, No. 11, 1988), pp. 23-25.
“Civil Service: Symbol of Modern State” [文官制度:现代国家标志],World Economic Herald [《世界经济导报》] (Shanghai, Jan. 11, 1988).
“Origin of the Western Democracy and Its Enlightenment” [西方民主制发源及启示], Tianjin Social Science [《天津社会科学》] (Tianjin, No. 2, 1988), pp. 27-32.
“Melody of Political Modernization” [政治现代化的主旋律] Social Science and Philosophy Information [《社会科学和哲学通讯》] (Shanghai, No. 3, 1988).
Translation (Selected)
James Scott, “Introduction to a General Theory on Corruption,” In Wang Huning, ed., Corruption and Anti-corruption (Shanghai: People's Publishing House, 1990), pp. 114-136 [王沪宁主编,《腐败与反腐败》,上海人民出版社,1990年版,第114至136页].
Hua Ze, “The Ordeal of Fragrant Soul” [华泽,“飘香蒙难记”], China Rights Forum, 2011, no. 1-2, “China at a Crossroads